Mitsubishi Electric’s next generation of servo products, the MELSERVO-J5 Series, brings cutting-edge technology, industry-leading performance, and advanced servo features to empower users with improved reliability, versatility, flexibility, and efficiency.
Key Benefits
- 26-bit batteryless absolute encoder
- Industry-leading 3.5kHz speed frequency response rate
- 256 synchronized axes with the MELSERVO-J5 motion module
- 32.5µs communication cycle time, to improve throughput and machine performance
- Quick tune capability in approximately 0.3 seconds, through amplifier
- Advanced vibration suppression control both on the load and the machine base
- Compatibility with common industrial networks like EtherCAT® as well as CC-Link IE TSN®
- Predictive maintenance Maisart® AI technology based in servo itself
- Encoder, power, and electromagnetic brake cables are combined into a single cable